HORNER WILLIAMS, LLC Consultants to Owners & Employers

Brokers & Managers Info

Looking to expand your service offerings
and increase your monthly income?

You've come to the right page.

Horner Williams, LLC partners with property owners, brokers, and agents to offer complete real estate management services.

We are actively recruiting interested professionals and career changers in Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and beyond. There are no formal property management license requirements; and some States do not require a real estate broker's license. We can also help you partner with a real estate professional in your area.
Contact us to learn more

We help find the right tenants, find the right property, market and maintain the property, and manage the property. No selling is required. There is no mandatory minimum "inventory" to purchase. And, you can start for under $1,000. Whatever your budget, we're confident there's a service level available to help you meet your client's need.

Our fees are based on a percentage of gross income or renewable flat rates.
We pay commissions to you the same way, up to 50%. We also pay service commissions for the life of the client relationship. And, we offer bonuses based superior performance.
What we do: Real Estate Management

Real estate professionals make communities economically stronger and richer in spirit by matching buyer needs and wants with a range of real estate possibilities. Every time someone is introduced to a new real estate possibility - the world is literally changed. Countless connections and relationships will spring forth, for years to come, based on where a person lives, works and socializes. Friendships, marriages, employment opportunities, and so much more...change forever. Real estate professsionals literally shape the world we live in, everyday.

Buying a property is the second-most stressful event in our lives. That's what the studies say. Managing a property successfully is often as stressful for the inexperienced. By helping your community, you can build a business. Don't go it alone. Become the best in the business--friendly, knowledgeable, and affordable--your community is waiting to help you become successful. Let us begin, today.