HORNER WILLIAMS, LLC Consultants to Owners & Employers

Client Profiles
Where do you fit in?

The real Horner Williams, LLC clients you see here represent a diverse group of business owners, non-profit administrators and professionals. From established multi-million dollar business owner to start-up entrepreneur; from CEO to volunteer; both online and in-person, our goals are simple: improve your financial reporting and improve your credit performance in an effort to help you achieve business success.

Financial stability and growth are the goals of every business. Yet, the path to success is rarely the same. One basic business principal has remained unchanged for thousands of years - spend less than you earn and you will have more money. There is a time to invest in new real estate, equipment and people. But when?

In the beginning, many owners choose to be their own bookkeeper. Eventually, it becomes overwhelming without a deeper understanding of accounting, bookkeeping software, credit, loan and investment requirements, taxation, customer collections, management, financial transparency, board reporting, investor relations, etc.
Planning, useful and timely financial information along with access to capital are three major keys to success. The time to invest in clear accounting and consistent management is always now.

You can survive for a time without clear accounting and consistent management, but every business is more successful with clear accounting and consistent management. We can help you transition to a better system.

Word of mouth, direct mail, web referral, Google, newspaper advertisement, flyer - the clients you see here come from a variety of sources. One needed to finish a financial report by Monday morning and first made contact with us Friday afternoon; another needs to prepare to file taxes; some want to learn accounting software; others receive weekly or monthly support and simply receive reports; some want to prepare for a line of credit; some need payroll services; others want an internal review for the audit committee. All plan to be in business for years to come. What do you want? We can help.

Numerous surveys have shown that many professionals are unaware of the true value a CPA and accountant provide. On the flip side, many CPAs and accounting professionals assume that their hard work and expertise are a given. Since much of what accounting and management professionals do is unseen by clients, there is a disconnect between the two groups in many cases. According to a U.S. National survey, in hindsight nearly 87 per cent of business owners who prepare their own financial statements and taxes themselves say they would never do it if they found an affordable alternative.

Education, experience, continuous learning, on-going quality reviews, professional networks and affordability are a few of the reasons why Horner Williams, LLC should be a part of your business team. Let's begin!
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